I have mentioned many times before about my writing. I write more about the people and their relationships in a setting other than the environment itself, so I like to focus on character covers for my books.
I wanted the cover to be an image of Dani in her utopian state before the story begins. I think this imagery gives readers a sense of "who" they are reading about, making it easier to connect with and feel for her struggles.
The image is of an adventurous young woman who is about to embark on the voyage of her dreams. Bright-eyed and ready to discover.
Her apparel is very futuristic casual.
For the title font, I wanted something '70s futuristic—a little Logan's Run-ish.
In the distance, barely visible in the sky, an alien world, appearing as if it's just out of reach. Symbolic of the journey ahead and the difficulty Dani will have to overcome to reach her goal.
Remembering this is just a mock-up, there are still a few things that need work. I feel the image is perfect, but the lighting is not, and it has been a little tricky getting that corrected. But a bit of work should fix the problem.
All in All, I love the book cover and think it rightly represents the story inside, which is essential to me.
Below is the cover for Losing Dani Strumm. In case you are wondering, the red border is for the publisher, and the strip down the left side of the image is the book binding.

I am still working on the back, which is always more difficult because you have to fit a short description of the story on there and make sure you do not cover the barcode section, and at the same time, keep the images centered.
I am thinking the back image is going to be of Dani with the butterfly. I have seen some great photos that have inspired me, and we will see if I can pull it off.
I hope you all enjoy the mock-up, and I will post as soon as I finish the back!