Losing Dani Strumm
Dani has dreamed of discovering life on another planet since childhood. But, after an accident leaves her stranded in an alien world, she encounters far more than she ever imagined.
Dani's mission was a simple one. Release scientific orbital satellites around the alien planet to gather important information for an exploration party. Unfortunately, the last mission team was never heard from after a scouting trip, making this mission vital and dangerous.
Within minutes of releasing the second satellite, something went wrong. Dani would find herself scrambling for the emergency escape pod to flee a dying ship. Stranded on an alien planet with two weeks of supplies, two days of oxygen, and her rescue nearly two months away, she must fight for her life.
Losing Dani Strumm is a compelling story of self-discovery and a surprising tale of forgiveness and redemption. It’s about love, luck, fate, and a complex woman discovering her lifelong dream is not what she thought it to be.
Pandemic Dawn Book IV:
Before the Sun Sets
Pandemic Dawn Book IV: Before the Sun Sets, the story of Taylor and his travels through the post-apocalyptic world of Pandemic Dawn continues. Samuel’s organization’s fall causes a rift among the gangs and slave traders, making the burbs even more dangerous as warlords fight to take control. The infected cursed, now herding and hunting in packs, leave the once safe Complex vulnerable to another attack. Though the vaccine has been developed, creating more and distribution is a problem. There is still no cure in sight without Dr. Atkins’s research, which is still missing.

Pandemic Dawn Book III:
Day of Abomination
"He paused for a moment. Talking aloud to himself was a saddening but now common practice. Since Scott's death, Pete had begun doing that to fill the silence that saturated his house. With his mother in the back shed, there were none of her noises to keep him company either. The wind and an occasional creak were all he usually heard, and that certainly wasn't enough to keep him from feeling as empty inside as the house now was.
Since his mother became infected, Pete was never sure if she would ever get better, and Scott had become his closest friend. He never dreamed that Scott would have turned on him as he did. Six months ago, he would never have dreamed that he would be sitting in an empty house with his best friend buried in the yard and his mother chained in the work shed."

Pandemic Dawn Book II:
Rise of the State
"He looked up into the eyes of his enemy once more. The debris and rocks cut into his joints as his elbows and knees buried themselves into the sun-scorched earth. He slid further this time, and the pain was much more intense. With every breath, dust filled his mouth, and the sand clicked between his teeth as he clenched them together from the pain. He heard a voice inside himself cry out, 'Stand up!' He immediately obeyed. His enemy stood firm, casting a shadow nearly reaching where the boy had lain just moments before.
"Now stay down and shut up, boy, or I'll gut you like a sewer rat!" The man had obviously reached his limit and meant every word he screamed. Spit flew from his mouth as he swore, his grimacing face revealing the filth that had collected on his stained teeth from years of neglect."

Pandemic Dawn Book I
"The day no longer mattered. The seasons are no longer discernible. The smell of fall leaves, the dew in the early morning, and the aroma of the air after a fresh rain are gone. Mornings now brought with them the wind and odors of those who had died. No one knew how many were dead, but most knew how many they had lost. No one knew whether the virus claimed the most victims or the government's steps to combat the infectious and mutating disease.Most of those living now did not keep track of the days as mankind once did, marked with calendars and dates, but by the sun's rising and setting. There were rumors of groups who had made it their sole purpose to collect the histories of this once great and clean world. Recording a new history from the date of the second fall of mankind, which they referred to as The Apocalypse."