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Special Membership Perks from Author B. A. Shields

I wanted to take a moment and write today's blog about a feature I am working on for my official Author website,

It's simple in form, a membership. It is FREE, and you can sign up with an email, Facebook, or Google account. Free and simple.

So, why would you want to have a free membership on my official author website? That's where I want to make things cool and exciting!

I have had this website for over ten years, and over that time, I have had many contests. Once I had a vote for the best book cover, have your character put into my next novel. I have also given away dozens of books and Kindle eBooks, as well as other prizes. All of which were free. I didn't even make the "winners" pay shipping like some fake contests do.

As a member of my Official Author website, you will get the following (to begin with)

  1. Notifications for new Exclusives! and blog posts

  2. A Social Profile on my website

  3. Control over notifications of updates on likes, comments, and follows

  4. Access to a "Members Only" section of my website, where you will have access to early releases, secrets about the book I write, extras, chapters removed from the printed version, reference images and information about the writing process for my novels, and MORE!

  5. Members will also get coupons for discounts on all my books (even Kindle versions)

  6. And a feature that I am going to implement into future projects, Membership badges.

What are Membership badges, and why will we use them? I want to set up a network of artists and consumers and those who wish to help local/small businesses get up and running!

These badges will notify other users who you are and what you do.

For instance, I would have an author badge. Someone else may have a reviewer badge. I know they would read and review my book.

Or say you are a local artist, so you have an artist badge. I need book cover art; I could contact you to see if I could hire you to make my cover.

My future project of bringing artists together to support and help each other can get its start here.

Plus, there are many additional reasons, such as free prizes, coupons, free books, and other rewards too numerous to list.

What does it cost? NOTHING, ever.

Also, I will not bombard your membership page or email with spam or ads.

So don't wait!

Sign up today. You won't be sorry!

Just go to, and in the upper right-hand corner under "contact," you will see where to sign up/log in.

February 14th, 2021, I will be picking a Member at random to give a FREE copy of Pandemic Dawn. Your choice of which book in the series!

So sign up, and start being included in the perks ASAP, so you don't miss out on the freebies and bonuses of being a Member of my Official Website!

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