With the closing of February and the new dawn of March only a day away, the thought of spring is ever closer.
Over the last few months, I have been working tirelessly on my next novel, Losing Dani Strumm, getting all of the completed chapters edited as I work on writing the remaining chapters.
With less than half the book left to write, and the direction the novel is heading, I am pleased and confident that it will be ready for publishing this spring.
I hope we don't have to do a "virtual" book signing upon its release. I love meeting the people who read my books, talking with them about the characters and stories and hearing their take. Impersonal internet conversations just don't sound as appealing to me.
If I do have to do a virtual book signing, I'm not even sure what the best process for that would be. I guess I should start looking into that.
I usually don't do a whole lot of book signings or appearances. Just the one for the release of my book and that's it. I know this may not be wise for an author. However, I know many other authors, and over the years, watching their hectic schedules, it just didn't appeal to me.
I guess this will also make my signed copies more valuable to someone someday, knowing that there weren't book signings and appearances every other weekend.
One of my personal goals for the summer of 2021, besides writing another novel for the Pandemic Dawn series, is to work on a few novella outlines.
I have about twelve different story ideas that I would love to write. Hopefully, I will get to all of them someday.
Hopefully, I hear from the model soon about the images for the book cover. I am really looking forward to getting that done for an early sneak peek for everyone!
Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy the day!